Another weekend done and this is a busy place with only a few open camping sites.
You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Last weekend at the amphitheater was a presentation and crafts regarding snakes and amphibians. This weekend it was about birds. I enjoy helping with the crafts. Curt is usually selling firewood (or driving around trying to) at that time. Friday night we made bird feeders with toilet paper rolls, peanut butter and bird feed. The second night they (not me) dissected owl pellets. (Indigestible material left in the gizzard such as teeth, skulls, claws, and feathers are too dangerous to pass through the rest of the owl's digestive tract. To safely excrete this material, the owl's gizzard compacts it into a tight pellet that the owl regurgitates. The regurgitated pellets are known as owl pellets.) They also colored owl masks. Sunday we had bird Olympics and the kids got prizes. The kids stood on one leg like a heron, had a stare down like an owl, tried to flap their arms fast like a hummingbird and had a race (fast like a falcon).
One of the shelters was rented to a group called SCA, The Society for Creative Anachronism. It is an international organization that does research and recreates arts and skills of the pre-17th century Europe. One of the men told us the time period from 600 to 1600. The group that was here is the Kingdom of Northshield. Most of the people there were dressed from that time period. We watched some armored fights and fencing.
We had a severe storm watch one evening so we helped the park rangers go from door to door to let people know. We didn’t get any bad weather luckily. If people didn’t feel safe in their tents or campers, they are able to go to the comfort station.
For more pictures, please click here. I have a lot more pictures of the SCA and the kids at the amphitheater. Katie (our supervisor) asked if we wanted to take pictures (since we’ve usually got the camera with us) for their Lewis and Clark State Park Facebook page. If any of the links on here don’t work, please let us know. Thanks!
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